#Grammatical Relation grasping for Spanish *STRUCTLIMIT s *DEFAULTATTR tag *DUAL =subject_np/subject_of "ART" 2:"NC|NP" "ADJ|ADV|PREP|PDEL|N.*|ART"* "PPX.*"{0,2} 1:"V.fin" *DUAL =object/object_of "V.fin"? 1:"VL.*" "ART"? "ADJ|ADV"{0,2} 2:"N.*" #"V.fin"? 1:"VL.*" [lemma="a"] "ART"? "ADJ|ADV"{0,2} 2:"N.*" #Direct objects in Spanish take the preposition 'a' when the N is animate (je!) #But resutls of this query contain too much noise =object_inf "V.fin"? 1:"VL.*" 2:"VLinf" #some modal verbs are not properly identified and are included here. Anyway, maybe it's too noisy? =object_clause "V.fin"? 1:"VL.*" "CQUE" "ART"? "N.*"? 2:"V.fin" #it works pretty nicely =predicate 1:"VSfin" "ADV"? 2:"ADJ" 1:"VSfin" "ART"? "N." #predicative complements of 'ser' clauses =adj_complement 1:"VSfin" "ADV"? "ADJ" [lemma="de"] 2:"VLinf" *DUAL =n_modifier/modifies 1:"N." "ADV"? 2:"ADJ" #like compounds 1:"N." [lemma="de"] 2:"N." #this is less certain 1:"N." [lemma="de"] "ART" 2:"N." *SYMMETRIC =y_o 1:"NC" "ADJ|ADV"* [lemma="y|o"] "ART"? "ADJ|ADV"* 2:"NC" 1:"V.*" "ADJ|ADV"* [lemma="y|o"]"ADJ|ADV"* 2:"V.*" 1:"ADJ" [lemma="y|o"] "ADV"? 2:"ADJ" #simple cases of coordination for NP's and VERB's