
Sketch Engine is an online service available via a web interface. Permission to install locally is only granted in very specific circumstances, for example when working with confidential data which cannot be uploaded to our hardware. Local installation involves additional fees for setup and maintenance.

The following is required for installing Sketch Engine on the customer’s server:

  1. A server with a Linux OS, preferably RHEL 7 or any up-to-date RPM-based (Fedora, Centos, Suse) or DEB-based (Ubuntu) distribution.
  2. A direct ssh access to the server. It may be restricted to a specific IP address or VPN use.
  3. Access to the superuser account (root or sudo service).
  4. A direct HTTP access to server’s web server.
  5. The connection to the Internet from the server must not be blocked by a firewall. As a minimum, port 80 (HTTP) and port 443 (HTTPS) must be enabled.

Further information can be found:

Request rpm packages from Sketch Engine Support and have them ready on your server.

System requirements

  • Linux 2.6x or higher
  • 1 GHz processor and 1 GB of memory at least (4 GB recommended for normal usage, 8 GB for accessing large [=over 1G of tokens] corpora)
  • free disk space according to what corpora you are going to use

What are available installation options and which one should I choose?

We distribute three forms of installation packages: source archives and RPM packages. We strongly encourage to use the binary RPM packages that are easy to install and maintain. If you require preparing RPM package for another distribution, please contact


The RPM packages have been compiled for Fedora 32 (contain “fc32” in their names), RHEL 7/CentOS 7 (contain “el7” in their names) but should be usable other RPM-based Linux distributions (Mandriva, OpenSUSE/SUSE etc.) as well. Each RPM package name contains “x86_64” (64bit) or “noarch” (platform independent).


We support 64bit packages only – look at the output of “uname -m”. If it is “x86_64”, you are running a 64bit operating system.

How to install binary packages



Prerequisities are defined in the RPM packages and will be installed automatically except:

installation instructions

  • create a temporary directory: mkdir ske_install; cd ske_install
  • move/extract the following packages to the directory: manatee, manatee-python, bonito, gdex and for RHEL/CentOS also bison (>= 3) and pcre (>= 8.10) either
    • make sure versions of each package are matching
  • login as root or type sudo bash if you use sudo
  • type rpm -ivh *

Post-installation steps

Depending on what corpora you have and where they are located you have to edit the file /var/www/bonito/run.cgi:

  • the line corplist = ['susanne', 'bnc'] contains a list of available corpora
  • the line corpname = 'bnc' sets the default corpus
  • the line os.environ['MANATEE_REGISTRY'] = '/corpora/registry' is the path to the directory with corpus configuration files, make sure it points to the directory with your corpus configuration files

After that, you should start your webserver if it is not running yet (try /etc/init.d/apache2 start or/etc/init.d/httpd start) and you should be able to access Sketch Engine via your regular web browser by typinglocalhost/bonito into the address bar.

source archives

We strongly encourage to use the binary RPM packages that are easy to install and maintain. If you require preparing RPM package for another distribution, please contact


compilation and installation instructions

  • download source archive for manatee-VERSION.tar.gx
  • unpack and change to the directory: tar xjvf manatee-VERSION.tar.gz; cd manatee-VERSION
  • type ./configure PYTHON=python2 --with-pcre
  • type make
  • login as root
  • type make install
  • type ldconfig
  • download source archive for bonito-VERSION.tar.gx
  • unpack and change to the directory: tar xjvf bonito-VERSION.tar.gx; cd bonito-VERSION
  • type ./configure
  • type make
  • login as root
  • type make install
  • type ./setupbonito CGIPATH DATAPATH  where CGIPATH is the your webserver document directory and DATAPATH is a data directory writable by the webserver
  • depending on what you chose as CGIPATH in previous step, open the /run.cgi file and at the bottom of the file and make necessary changes as mentioned in the post-installation steps.
  • download source archive for gdex-VERSION.tar.gx
  • unpack and change to the directory: tar xjvf gdex-VERSION.tar.gx; cd gdex-VERSION
  • login as root
  • type python2 install

Upgrading packages

  • RPM: rpm -Uvh package  where package stands for the new .rpm file of the particular package you want to upgrade to
  • source tarballs: proceed as for the installation step of each package

Downgrading packages

  • RPM: rpm -Uvh --force package  where package stands for the .rpm file of the particular package you want to downgrade to
  • source tarballs: proceed as for the installation step of each package

Removing packages

  • RPM: rpm -e package  where package stands for the new .rpm file of the particular package you want to remove
  • source tarballs: run make uninstall in the original installation directory of each package