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NepaliWaC corpus

Nepali web corpus downloaded by LCL on Dec 10, 2014. ~1200…

SetswanaWaC corpus

(version 2) The corpus is prepared by Corpus factory method.…

SpanishWaC corpus

This corpus was gathered using a list of URLs provided by Serge…

SwedishWaC corpus

The corpus is prepared by Corpus factory method. Full details…

SDeWaC corpus

SDeWaC is a subset of DeWaC. The creation of sDeWaC is described…

WelshWaC corpus

The corpus is prepared by Corpus factory method by Anil in October…

ThaiWaC corpus

The corpus is prepared by Corpus factory method. Full details…

UKWaCsst corpus

UKWaC tagged with SuperSenseTagger (​sst-light) described in…